Multiply Forgiveness - Pastor Steven Roberts | Journey Church
In our Christian journey, forgiveness is essential. We must continually extend forgiveness to others. To receive God's forgiveness, we must also forgive those who wrong us. Holding on to unforgiveness will only breed more unforgiveness. Forgiveness isn't about keeping track, it's about letting go. Avoid harboring unforgiveness in your heart.
Pastor Steven Roberts from Journey Church delivers a powerful message on the importance of multiplying forgiveness in our lives. He reminds us that as followers of Christ, extending forgiveness to others is absolutely essential to our spiritual growth and well-being. Holding onto bitterness and resentment only poisons our own hearts and hinders our relationship with God. Pastor Roberts encourages us to let go of any unforgiveness we may be harboring, no matter how justified we may feel in our anger or hurt. Forgiveness is not about keeping a tally of wrongs or trying to even the score - it's about choosing to release others from the debt we feel they owe us. As we forgive, we open the door for God's forgiveness and blessings to flow more freely in our own lives. Unforgiveness is like a prison that keeps us stuck in pain, but forgiveness sets us free. So don't allow unforgiveness to take root in your heart. Choose to forgive generously and continually, remembering how much we have been forgiven by God. As we sow seeds of gracious forgiveness, we will reap a harvest of peace, healing, and restoration in our relationships and in our own souls. Embrace the power of multiplied forgiveness and watch how God transforms your life.
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