Thursday, January 30, 2025

Happiness Doesn't Come From More - Overcoming the 'If I Had More' Mindset | Legacy Church

Written By Ken Hulsey

Have you ever listened to a sermon and felt like the pastor was speaking directly to you? Have you ever felt like God was trying to tell you something? I had a similar experience a couple of years ago when I listened to a sermon by Pastor Steve Smothermon of Legacy Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico on YouTube.

As Pastor Smothermon talked about his own life journey - from being a UPS driver in Tulsa, to attending Bible college, to becoming a pastor in Roswell, and eventually leading the thriving Legacy Church - I found myself drawing parallels to my own experiences. Just like him, I had complained and longed for something more at every stage, whether it was being unhappy in Albuquerque, griping about the politics and cost of living in California, or simply not feeling at home in Louisiana.

The pastor's message struck a chord when he said, "The grass is always greener across the street, but when you get there you complain about having to mow it." The truth is, the problem wasn't my location - it was my mindset. I realized that even if I got my wish and moved to another state, I would still find things to be unhappy about because I was taking my bad attitude with me.

What Pastor Smothermon had learned, and what God was teaching me, was the importance of being grateful for what you have. In California, I had everything I could have wanted - great weather, beautiful scenery, and endless entertainment. Yet, I was ungrateful and unhappy. It was only when I moved to Louisiana that I began to truly appreciate the blessings in my life.

The key, as Pastor Smothermon demonstrated, was to stop complaining, submit to God's will, and do the best with what the Lord had given him. When he did this, God opened the door for him to move forward and lead the thriving Legacy Church. The message was clear: it was his mindset, not his circumstances, that had been holding him back from finding joy and fulfillment.

Many people fall into the trap of believing that happiness and fulfillment come from acquiring more - more money, more possessions, a better job, or an idealized relationship. We convince ourselves that once we attain that next goal or milestone, contentment will surely follow. But this 'if I had more' mindset is a mirage that keeps us stuck on a hedonic treadmill, always chasing the next high. The truth is, if you can't find a way to be at peace and appreciate what you have now, no amount of 'more' will fundamentally change that. Just like how we instinctively resist the tests and challenges that ultimately make us stronger and more spiritually grounded, we cling to the false belief that some external change is the key to happiness. But lasting joy and serenity come from within, independent of circumstances. It's about consciously choosing gratitude, mindfulness, and an abundance mindset. When you can find wholeness in the present and surrender to what is, rather than pining for what could be, you'll realize you already have enough. Happiness doesn't come from more; it comes from a transformed perspective and an open heart.

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